Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Doc Walker - Caught in a moment of downlight

Had the flash off for the whole show, although lots of folks were using thier's. The lights made for a variety of amazing effects during the concert.
This is Doc Walker playing at Centrepointe last night.
Was a great time! Got lots of pics too.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Sunrise, Sunset.....

Facing west so its sunset this time. Loved the 'silver lining' glow that is on the edges.

Lilac Festival - near Carleton Place

Each year, Franktown has a Lilac Festival in late May. They are blooming like mad that time of year, and the smell is almost overwhelming. I couldn't make it down this year, but was in neighbouring Blacks Corners taking a full weekend course. This is from the lilac bush across the road from us.

At first I had no idea the bumblebee was there, but then I noticed him. This shot I quite like. Had fun getting a focused one though. The wind was blowing quite strongly, so everything was bobbing around like mad.

Can you smell the scent of lilac's??

Mother Goose, at Home in her Element

On my way to an early start at a course just outside Carleton Place this Saturday morning, and I come across our annual 'neighbours' who spend some time next door thru the summer. With seasonal folks, you never know when they are going to arrive or when they are going to leave again.
These ones already have thier little family up and about. I think I counted 9 little fuzzy heads in that downy pile up,and they can't be more than a few days old yet.
Not sure who's who (mom/dad) but one is there on the right, the other parent is in the water on the left.
I've startled them and they are heading back up the creek to the pond abt 75 ft away. Course, they also have to climb the beaver damn there too, but I'm sure they'll manage.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Starry Sky... the Big Dipper

Was out on my road one night recently, thought I saw some sweeping shadows and light... didn't get anything on the camera that was useful, or even vaguely interesting... well a touch interesting, but not for showing off.
So, turned the camera almost straight up and hoped I was pointed in the right direction for the Big Dipper. One shot later, the only one I took, at 60 sec exposure... and had to brighten a bit on the computer... I have the Big Dipper! Sweet!
Something else I noticed, and not sure if you can see it in the larger image or not, but just above the last star of the handle, there is a can see the swirl of it.
And yes, the Big Dipper is upside down, but hey, go outside these days in the late evening, face north, and its upside down. No sense flipping it around just to make it easier to see.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Two little fuzzy's...

Pink, furry ears and all...two of my mom's little creations. Hand made, home designed (made in her spare time) crochet'd bunnies. I'm sure they have names, every creation does....but I don't recall these two. Mum makes teddy bear's (her first love), and a variety of other creations. She was featured on Regional Contact last fall, mid October for her business.

Sasha, Mandy and Angel

3 of the 'barn people' at my folks place. Two on the run......since these are girls...they'd be 'Girls on the Run'....not boys or um....what's that song.... oh ya... "Band on the Run"? LOLOL
They aren't much of a band, but they can run circles around you!

Mid afternoon, one wintery day.

My brother and I, coming back down from visiting the 'barn people' at my parents place next door. He and I have the same camera!

Reflection of me?...

Actually, a reflection of my daughter in my parents big bay window. It looks out on the pond and trees behind the house; a perfect bird watching spot, or an awesome place for a sunbathed nap.

An open gate...

Leads where? Can't tell from here.

Snowed under at the moment, and this was taken in February. of the 'barn people'

On the day of my mum's birthday, we all trooped up to visit the 'barn people'. Sasha and Mandy, Leroy and Angel. Of course we have to bring treats too. Carrots, Apples, and Cabbage leaves later, we have 2 happy horses, and 2 happy llama's.
Catching moving critters isn't easy, and these horses are especially highspirited too. Sasha is looking to head outside again...notice the 'gate' reflected in her eye? hehehehehe

Saturday, May 3, 2008

One Night on the Town...

Another Lindsay and Jen night out for coffee. We don't travel too far, but we do have our moments. This one I posted up on facebook for a bit too. It turned out rather nicely. Wish the blue light had also been on that night, but its still really cool.