Friday, April 25, 2008

A Start To Our Night

Hope St off Malcolm St. -Almonte.

This is the Mighty Mississippi River, well, the part going thru Almonte that is. This is the bottom of the falls, from across the river. This was also the beginning of the night of pic's shown below. Enjoy!

Tilt A Whirl???

Nope. Just me monkeying around with the tripod and the camera locked in place. Got a little bit of jitter in this shot, but no where near as much as in the one I'm embarassed to say I took, so I'm not gonna show you that one! Hehehehehe. This is the river, looking downstream towards the bridge.
As further down too, the Manse and church are in the center.

By the Gates, Flood Waters Spread Out

As we arrive at the fairgrounds to take night pictures, the gates are open to the grounds, but the water comes right up to them, almost to the street already.

The river isn't always this high in spring, but the grounds often get some water on them. This year is far reaching, and makes for beautiful mirror's.
The two large tree's are framing the beach area, but its well underwater right now.

Up River...Flood Waters

Facing up river some, the water comes about half way into the fairgrounds right now, because its so high.

Floodwater's View Down River

Standing in the middle of the fairgrounds property, facing the river and the bridge downstream. This is a fairly long exposure, and its almost 930 at night, not much left in the sky. In the center is the Manse and church, I think its the Anglican church in town.

St. Mary's Cemetery - Almonte - At Night

I've been wanting to stop here for a few weeks now, one night, with camera and stand in hand. This time, on a coffee out, girls night, we stopped and tried a few things. I like the silouette's. The red sky is just the way it turned out.

Night Lights Streak By a big rig when whistling up the road beside us. As large as they are, I only got the lights from the rear end as they moved thru the visual space.

Eternal Light in the Night

These are scattered around the cemetery. Some glow and orange glow, others white. This one was sitting on a stone's edge.

By The Edge of Night

This was one of the last shots of the night.... I just like it. The bright light in the sky is a star. The two small lights down low are the eternal lights on gravestones further in the cemetery.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Sunset

While out taking these pic's, well, this one (I took several, and this one is one I think turned out alright), I was delighted to hear the sounds of spring... um.... loud and clear.
Spring peepers, creakers, croakers, groaners, and grumblers were all out in chorus, singing thier fool little web footed pride for all to hear (who couldn't help but hear them)....
Amazing what comes to life with a bit of spring heat!
Heard the grouse beating thier breasts too, the distinctive drumming coming from at least 3 directions. The killdeer crying across the field, claiming his spot. And the snipe, swooping way down low and flying way back up high, thier wings making that unforgettable whistling sound.
Spring is FINALLY here!
This pic was taken April 17-08, close to 9 pm.

Spring Sunrise

Toast to the gorgeous days we are having lately (yes, I know, tempting that Murphy fellow.... knocking on wood too), the sunrise's out my bedroom window are just every shade of happiness!
This one was taken April 18-08

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Up Above the Crowd....well, Rising now...

Amy and her mom Daphne had an opportunity to fly in the Remax Hot Air Balloon on April 5-08. I was out with Amy that day for her new sticker (see below) and took a bunch of pics of the set up of the balloon. I was fascinated!
This one here shows Amy and Daphne (l and r), plus Scott MacRitchie of High Time Balloon Co. Inc. filling up the huge thing with the hot air it needs to lift.
They had a great ride! I had a great time watching as well as chasing on the ground too. Thanks Cory! Thanks Scott, was a great time. Next time maybe I can go up too? LOL

A Small Price to Pay ...

Hello Nick! Planet Ink Rocks!!!!
My gf Amy was getting the last of her tattoo's set on April 5-08. I went with and took some pics of the process for her.
This pic, although it doesn't show what he's working on, I just loved.
This is Nick, her artist. Nothing else matters while he works.
...oh ya, Amy, does your new sweater still smell good? heheheheh

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hmmm...What is it?

This one is courtesy a good friend of mine... Took me ages to figure out exactly what it was, and even then, I was only close. Had to ask ....
Do you know precisely what it is??

.... my girl....

They were both there, honest! Just a second ago.... darn it! LOLOL Now he's high up in the tree keeping watch while his lady love pops down for a few seeds.

This was taken in Nepean not long ago. Challenges of so much going on outside to distract my feathered friends, they tend to be nervous right now, and hard to have sit still long enough for a picture.
Here's my girl! lolol

MMmmmmm...Cream Puff's.....

Homemade, by my dad! Just a little compliment to go with our tremendously delicious Easter feast recently.