Monday, June 23, 2008

Summer Sun, Peekaboo....

Well, well, well..... and please don't think I 'planned' this one with any sense of precision or organization.....although I really like the fact that the sun is peeking thru the 2 treetops here.....

It's completely random! Yes it is.

My camera has a feature to take several shots in a second or two. I set it on highspeed (it takes 5 pics in a matter of splitting time)...and what better to use as your flying down the highway on the way to a night away from home.

I cropped out the antenna of the truck, and the only planning involved was to pick a section to snap along, that had no hydro lines on my side of the road! LOLOL

Sometimes you never know what you will have captured til afterwards....just let er fly....