Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Sunset

While out taking these pic's, well, this one (I took several, and this one is one I think turned out alright), I was delighted to hear the sounds of spring... um.... loud and clear.
Spring peepers, creakers, croakers, groaners, and grumblers were all out in chorus, singing thier fool little web footed pride for all to hear (who couldn't help but hear them)....
Amazing what comes to life with a bit of spring heat!
Heard the grouse beating thier breasts too, the distinctive drumming coming from at least 3 directions. The killdeer crying across the field, claiming his spot. And the snipe, swooping way down low and flying way back up high, thier wings making that unforgettable whistling sound.
Spring is FINALLY here!
This pic was taken April 17-08, close to 9 pm.

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