Friday, November 14, 2008

Almonte Cenotaph

 Before the ceremony on Rememberance Day.

Colour Party, Almonte Legion

 coming up Little Bridge Street, flags flapping, leading the soldiers, veterans, cadets, and scouts to the cenotaph.

Two Young Ones, Remembering...

 I saw this large wreath as people were gathering for the ceremony. These two little ladies delivered it to its resting place.
I caught them just in view for only a moment.

Amy on Duty

 I don't think she knew I was there the whole time, snapping pic's, but I did get a few.
I don't have a fancy camera, but caught just her in focus, everything else is in motion or out of focus. Kinda cool.
She's intent on her duty of laying wreaths though, more to do still.

The Salute

Amy with 2 other cadets, saluting the cenotaph, after laying 3 more wreaths.

The View from Here

Cold day, standing back and off to the side. My daughter taking part in the ceremony in cadets. The Scouts Canada group in attendance as well.
This was my view from where I stood near the end of the ceremony. Couldn't resist trying to catch that wee 'Beaver' holding the flag (the little guy with the blue hat on).
Darn flag pole insisted on being in the way, but hey, it's still a decent pic.