Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose....

Another one of my favorite Tweeps (tweeter peeps). The Rose breasted grosbeak is back, with his lady too. She's much more drab than he, and I do have pics, just not up here yet.
My Mr Rose tho, not too shy at all. He sat, posing, nibbling on sunflower seeds and sitting pretty for me, by the orange slice that is out for the orioles.
And no, he didn't pick on the orange, only his chosen seeds.
Check out, right by his beak and feathers by his eye, looks like tiny eye lashes that flow downwards over his beak. Very cool. Hope you love him too!

1 comment:

Elaine L. Bridge said...

I do love him! Beautiful shots!!! Thanks for sharing! Haven't seen him or the Oriole yet at my feeders; glad to visit them at yours!