Sunday, February 1, 2009

Peering out at You....and you...

OK, this is a pic of a mirror in the Carleton Heritage, once known as the Mississippi Hotel in Carleton Place.

I took 5 pics of this mirror. Two of them showed something other than my flash reflecting....this one is the better pic.

What do you see on the left side of the mirror?

Ignore all room fixtures etc...


I reuploaded the pic, in larger format...its easier to see when its not shrunk down so much. sorry....

1 comment:

John Mielke Photography said...

On the left side of the mirror, I see two very similar white shapes.

Looks kind of like a rectangle with a dot beside it. Dare I say, it mimics the rectangular mirror with the dot in it from your flash.

Light bounces and does cool things... I've seen some of your photos with some freaky stuff in them, and can't come up with a photography based explaination for what it is... but in this case I really think that the big blast of light from your camera is hitting a reflective surface which is then bouncing that light onto other surfaces which are then bouncing them back to the mirror as reflections.