Friday, April 25, 2008

Night Lights Streak By a big rig when whistling up the road beside us. As large as they are, I only got the lights from the rear end as they moved thru the visual space.


John Mielke Photography said...

That effect is normal with moving objects at night.

In order for your camera to capture all the available light in the scene, the shutter needs to stay open longer. Since it's open and the rig is moving, you get the streak effect.

You can actually do night shots where the shutter is open long enough that if you walk into and out of the scene, you won't even show up in the shot!

This whole series of shots is fun Jenny!

ken tutero said...

I really want to know how to take those kind of great shots (light streak). I don't know anything about cameras or photography. I have a digital camera, Kodak EASYSHARE Z1015. What adjustments to I need to make in my camera to be able to take light streak shots?