Friday, February 1, 2008

Yep, YEPYEP...Hurry!, Hurry HARD!!!

Familar words for anyone who's watched, been to, or participated in a curling Bonspiel!
A community Funspiel is on in Carleton Place til the weekend right now. It's all in fun, and teams must have a max of 2 regular curlers on thier team of 4. Each weeknight at 7 pm the games start, plus finals on the weekend coming up.

This team was the "Hula Wanna Be's", and as you can see, they are right into the fun part for sure! Shorts out, he's nuts!!! It's cold out there on the ice!
We (me and my girls) left before the end of this game on Monday night, but I hear they pulled an extra point out of thin air right at the end and won their game. These guys are good!
Saw them again Thursday night, and watched a beauty 4 bound shot to put a point in place at the end of the end.....beautifully done! Hands high, and congrats around. Its not as easy as it looks folks.


Fibo said...

Nice Blog :)

Jennywrenn said...

Thanks muchly! Appreciate any input always!