Friday, January 30, 2009

No pic today??

I'm waaaaay behind on taking time for myself for pictures.
I've snapped some here, some there, but not really excited about much I've taken lately.

Been asked to shoot a wedding OM friggin G!
What the hell is she thinking?

well, maybe...if she's not looking for traditional poses etc....cause I haven't the first clue about those....but I know I could do a pretty good candid day pics for her....
Its in July too....I don't know. Scary really....

Been out for 2 ghost investigations in the last week, well Tuesday and Sunday. The Sunday one was rough. Home at 4 am, up at 730, work at 9....ouch.
but the Tuesday night town over from me, and a hotel with a history and a half...and :) I got faces in mirrors!....
and no, not mine..I'm talking orblike faces in the mirrors. Ghost stuff...super cool.
Another investigation in Orleans coming up soon too. And I got a handle on a few more right in my own backyard. Will have to work on those.

Kids curl, its the busy season now. 2 nights a week for curling.
My week kinda goes like this:
Monday to Friday 9-5.
Monday 615-845 cadets (while kidlet is at cadets, I go to coffee with a gf at Timmies.... so that's cool)
Tuesday curling 6-8 pm
wed off
thurs sometimes (depends on the week)
Fridays, catch up to curling 4-530, then home.
Sat and Sunday, anybody's game...never know.
poof, there goes a week

do that 4 times, there goes a month.

anyways, I'm not dead...yet.
Will hope to get back here soon.