Sunday, October 19, 2008


Almost put my hand right on this as I came home the other day. Love stick bugs! She's kinda slow in the cooler weather, but she climbed on my hand for a few min's and was totally happy to stay there too (its warmer afterall)...

Had to encourage her back to the underside of the hand rail going up our steps.

What a Day...what a DAY!!!!

Incredible~! not too warm not too cold.... well, alright, chilly with the darn wind if the sun hid behind the clouds, which it was wont to do a lot that day in the park. Cross Country meet in Gemmill Park in Almonte. Perfect day for it though.

This sky had me enthralled all day, the kind you see all sorts of shapes in with every cloudy puff that floats by.

Can you see the geese?

True Colours

My Local Favorite!

Every year is a bit different in the depth of the colours. This offering lives near me, but is actually 2 maples, grown so close together, they have created the 'ideal maple shape' as one. Truly, the only time they remind you they are two tree's not one, is in the fall, when they show thier 'true colours' and thier differences are painfully obvious.

Any other time, you have to look closely to see there are two trunks, not just one.

.....and yes, I know, I'm not supposed to 'center' anything...rule of 3rds.... but hey... this one time ok? just this one time! lol

In The Park

This little wee dog came down for his 'regular' walk/play time in the park. Little did he/she know that a whole bunch of interlopers were intruding that day. Gemmill Park in Almonte was hosting the Cross Country event for elementary school kids from various schools in the county. He spotted one of the marshall's (of which I was one all day) shortly after this and set up a ferocious barking. (how dare 'we' come to THE park!!! hehehehe)

Monday, October 13, 2008

"Golden Line"

I took this one in winter as well, some time ago. This weekend it was lovely in its fall shades.

Maple Love

Fall Glory

One of the majestic maples near my house. There are several that are showpieces come this time of year.

Red Carpet

lol....mother nature's version.
This is from in town, and is one of the big maples near our church on the main street.

Our First Stop...

(after french fries for lunch of course)
Lanark was just behind us, McDonald's Corner's ahead. We stopped and climbed around at the river. Spent 5 glorious hours driving, stopping, taking pic's, talking, just vegging...what an amazing day!

Frontenac County, some of the Highlands, just Leaving Elphin.

As we headed north from Elphin, on our way to Snow Road, this is some of the vista in front of you.

Frontenac County, had to stop

The shoreline left a lot to be desired, but the far shore was lovely!
We also had about 10" to pull over, so parked carefully, snapped some pic's and moved onwards.

"John Thompson Hall"

On our journey that day, we stopped to watch a mother coyote and her young ones (fairly full grown now) probably mouse hunting in the field. This view was our next turn once we got back on the road again.
Had a great day.

....and even Rain can leave its Mark

Imagine that, we don't tend to think much of water leaving notice of its' passing behind, unless we're talking floods or tidal waves or big scale like that.
Here, its just gravity and water, has made the grooves over time.

Stand Alone

....this is no cheese...but it stands all by itself in the field of smaller stones.

Will Stand the Test of Time

I love rock. Rock of all kinds, colours, shapes, and this stuff is patterened, from ages and ages past.....
This looks not unlike folded sheets or something....
I just liked it.
And two different perspectives too, straight on at one point, and a funny angle from the ditch.
That one kinda looks like petrified wood, not rock. Cool Beans!