My gawd...mother nature gave these silly birds one of the most comical mimics to protect thier nest and young.
Should you happen to come near one's nest area, they tend to scream lots to get your attention, while flopping along the ground, puffed up, and wing outstretched, as if it's broken and they are an easy prey......" come on over here, see me...ya...over here, I'm easy to get...oh wait, I'll run a few steps...then flounder again....cry and shriek, flip my wing out, play hurt...."
... all the while, they are leading you away from the nest area.
In this case, you see the bird is standing over her eggs, she's only just puffed out, but not moving one inch. I think that's cause she knows I already know where the nest is....
Notice the gravel....ya, I do too, every single time I drive in my folks driveway.
This dingbat pair has chosen the middle of my folks driveway as thier 'ideal camoflage location' for thier eggs.....so we have to watch so carefully as we come in or out of the drive, that we don't run over the running bird. The eggs are safe as they are in the dead centre, the part you don't drive on. But geeezzzz....come on you guys....there's other gravel around here, go someplace else!
oh well, I got lots of sneaky pic's of the 2 parents as well as the egg's unattended too.
Enjoy this close close-up of one of the parents. The egg's, hard to see, but there are 4.
Ain't life interesting?? heheheheh