Saturday, February 23, 2008

Frosting...just a tad....

This is the building beside the falls in Almonte. It generally gains a beauty frost layer in winter, and although it melts as easily too...this was a few days after some cold weather. Enough to build a fair amount on every surface!

Ooooooo.....a spider?? !!

Alrighty, pls ignore the backround of the image...this was taken in the basement of my house. We heat with wood, and bringing in wood, we tend to have spiders too, coming out of that wood.
This almost invisible gem was suspended, probably deciding where to go next.
Oh boy, I happen to have the camera handy, so flip it open and managed to snap this shot off. The flash was used and believe me, it was a huge pain to get this tiny spider in focus....several outtakes to get this one. The focus caught, and then the flash blew it, but only on the spider.
But in looking at it, the spider looks like its made of sunlight, gossamer fine, and suspended by nothing....although it's silk indeed holds it securely.
I was fascinated by this, so decided to share it out there too. Tell me what you think!

Night After the Eclipse....

Couldn't resist placing the equipement and spending a bit more time with night shots again.....
This is the moon rising, the glow on the horizon is light pollution. I think this was on a 15 second open exposure.
Right out my front door!!!

Tuesday Morning Run....Behind Me....

Taken in the rear view mirror of my truck, on the way to work last Tuesday. It reminds me of the frozen north, yet its right here in the valley itself!

And yes, the backwards'ness of it, is explained by the mirror!

Tuesday Morning Run....

Typical eastern Ontario winter scene in the AM hours.

Sunset .... almost

On our way home one day, this just opened up on the horizon, and we absolutely had to brake and pull over. The wind was brutally cold, but we managed a few pictures. I love this one!!

Come on Baby......

If you could only see how many pictures of flames I have on this comp of mine! Campfire's all last summer, flames leaping because they can....

...light my Fire!!!

I love fire....I can't tell you how much, or even begin to hope to be able to express that here... but I love fire! The flames...the colours... nothing else like it!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Bad Moon on the Rise......

Talk about huuuuuuge! Boy oh boy, the full moon almost couldn't wait to be center stage tonight. It was huge and glowing as it rose abt 530 PM. Almost as if it needed to make a show before the 'show' later on.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Show Me Your's, I'll Show You Mine!!!!

Full Moon Eclipse....
Also think I caught Regulus (top) and Saturn (bottom left) in this shot too.
I could be wrong, but then again, I might be right!
My attempt at capturing this amazing celestial event were soso....

This one, on purpose, I sought out a tree for framing the moon, but it wound up right on top of it. Still, sometimes those accidental events turn out alright for you, as did this one. I just like it.

Time Waits for No Man....

Just a few short minutes wait, or so it seemed, after total dark (red/orange moon) and the advancing shadow that caused the full moon lunar eclipse is on its way out. Here, the moon is still about 2/3'rds covered, but already the brilliance of the full moon is glaringly bright.

Monday, February 18, 2008

The "Hand's On" Approach...Up Close and Personal...

This beauty actually misjudged the glass for deep woods and got thunked. Thankfully he survived, and while my mom was rescuing him from the cats (who come running every thump they hear), she snapped off a few pictures of him up close and personal. Nothing beats a close up of a wild bird...and he was rather feisty already, so no permanent damage. After 3 pic's, mom let him sit on her hand, and he promptly headed into the woods on the non glass side of his view. Live to see another day, come on back for pictures! LOL

This is a CARDINAL, up close.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Almonte Team 3 - The Purple Panthers!!

Another Almonte team, this 4 had a great day too! Even gave themselves a nickname, and had a cheer and everything. Great day for everyone!

Almonte Team 1

These young folks played and awesome day, and had great fun doing it! Thier team came out ahead at the end of the day too. Kinda cool! Got medals and pictures, and huge smiles all round!!

Always a tense moment...Calling for a Measure!!!

This team had 10 measures throughout the entire day!! Little Rockers curl 3 Games, 4 ends each. They had that many close ones...wowzers!
For this time, red was closer, so got the point.

Stars....I see stars!!

Finally, a cloudless, moonless night. but cold, oh my oh my, so cold out there!
snapped off several pic's. Had to fudge around with them to bring them up though, still really dark in original. However, I got stars, and that's what I wanted!! And yes, a bit of town glow in the bottom corner there too.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


One of my purple coneflower spike's left over from the fall. Topped just so, with a sprinkle of the white stuff!

Night Glow....

Alrighty. Decided to try again, without the moon to brighten the world, and retake the backyard picture again. So, last night, around 10-1130 pm, I spent time and took several slightly different positions. No moon. No stars (bummed about that). Cloudy night, so town glow was bouncing off them. Hence the orange glow.... but still, turned out pretty sweet!!

I'd still like this shot, no moon or a sliver moon maybe, with a clear sky so I can see the stars.

And one day, Aurora Borealis!!! Can't wait!!! Hehehehe.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Tranquility....caught by my daughter!

Montreal Botanical Gardens, 2006 summer. Was raining when we got there, and we took pictures everwhere we went. I was looking the other way when we crossed this spot, but my daughter took the camera, and snapped this shot...I just LOVE it! She was 10 at the time.
Just goes to show, let the little ones have a camera too, they have a different outlook on the world, and sometimes will suprise you with what they think is cool.
Course, I WISH I'd taken this pic, I really do. Ah least I can enjoy it!

Hmmm....I close ..... can I get....?

Just for fun, and hubby at the helm this time..... wondering how close you can get with my camera and still have focus and detail.
Also, the green in the center...only realized that recently, which is odd, considering how much one looks in one's eyes in the mirror. Just goes to show, need to occassionally look at things again, with fresh eyes.

Yep, YEPYEP...Hurry!, Hurry HARD!!!

Familar words for anyone who's watched, been to, or participated in a curling Bonspiel!
A community Funspiel is on in Carleton Place til the weekend right now. It's all in fun, and teams must have a max of 2 regular curlers on thier team of 4. Each weeknight at 7 pm the games start, plus finals on the weekend coming up.

This team was the "Hula Wanna Be's", and as you can see, they are right into the fun part for sure! Shorts out, he's nuts!!! It's cold out there on the ice!
We (me and my girls) left before the end of this game on Monday night, but I hear they pulled an extra point out of thin air right at the end and won their game. These guys are good!
Saw them again Thursday night, and watched a beauty 4 bound shot to put a point in place at the end of the end.....beautifully done! Hands high, and congrats around. Its not as easy as it looks folks.